The analysis phase is definitely an area Telephone Number List where a business analyst plays a critical role. Functional Telephone Number List Design - In the consulting world, the design phase is split into functional design and technical design. The function design is the phase where design elements with respect to data flows, requirements mapping to data flows, requirement functions that can be met Telephone Number List through the design etc will be documented.
Technical Design - Technical Telephone Number List design as the name suggests is the design document that provides the technology that defines the systems that will specifically be used to meet the functional business Telephone Number List requirements documented by the business analyst. While the functional design document details the functions that would be met as a part of the design implementation, the technical Telephone Number List design sticks on to the technology used, type of server to be used (Windows vs Linux), the type of database to used etc.
A lot of times in organizations Telephone Number List these two documents are combined together to house a single design document. The usefulness of the comprehensive design document is completely Telephone Number List contingent on the methodology followed by the organization. In some cases, where the business analyst is more functional some parts of the comprehensive Telephone Number List design document becomes a challenge to understand.