For this reason, to finish, Betancourt allows himself to "ask the Assembly to stand up and give an ovation to comrades Mário Soares and Felipe González"37. The stenographer collects: "the Assembly does it fervently." It was a testimonial. If Nueva Sociedad did not repair in its pages the historical Betancourt and Haya de La Torre, it did so to some extent following its own indications: the president of the Conference had pointed towards what everyone already saw as the future, and towards them he also looked Magazine. Global social democracy, by way of conclusion We have already configured the tapestry of this story. The threads have helped to weave a part (and a very important one) of global social democracy.
In the Caracas of 1976, to which Nueva Sociedad moved, the dawn, like an aurora, of global social democracy was in sight. The magazine, front line protagonist in south africa phone number list this dawn, gave special coverage to the relief that would bring it. In a long interview, Felipe González presented the ideas that announced the path that the PSOE would take in the consolidation of Spanish democracy: I believe that the conference can be described as historic, not so much because of the scope that the resolutions that derive from it may have, since I think that one cannot be excessively pretentious, but I believe that it is a first step and hence its great importance, which allows the rapprochement of developed Europe to Latin America in the process of liberation, not only politically but also economically.
I believe that the authentic dimension of the meeting is in an effort of mutual knowledge that has a transcendence that goes beyond what can be calculated today. It will mean, at the same time, an effort for the reunion of the countries of the earth that are trying to achieve national independence, which supposes something more than political independence, that is, economic independence, as in the case of the Europeans, that having a clearly decanted political independence, nevertheless they have very marked forms of dependency from an economic point of view.