Back to acquiring let's say you already have a cash register registered and connected to the site, as well as an agreement with ofd it remains to sign an agreement with the acquiring bank and choose the form of integration it could be:easy integration when the bank.
Provides the form code for receiving payment all you have to do is embed it into your website in this case, the link to the payment page is sent to the buyer by mail or phone to existing mobile number list have number and redirected to the payment page of the partner bank modular integration that can be connected if your site is created on one of the popular content management.
System (for example, c-bitrix, wordpress, modx, etc ) if the bank you have chosen has a special module, it is possible to quickly integrate through the "Admin panel" of the site full integration, when the entrepreneur independently implements the internet acquiring documentation, creating his own form of payment this is the most expensive.
Solution, since you will have to pay separately for the work of a programmer who will write the embed code how to choose a bankthe question that worries every entrepreneur is: how to choose an acquiring bank so that the terms of service do not create an additional burden on the business? You need to understand in advance what to look for and where.