Its fair to say that the last few months havent been the dryest! As usual, at this time of year, I am itching to get out there with the mower and give the lawn a going over to get it primed for a Summer of lawn picnics and Pimms!
The weather, however, has not been kind to us, so we have had to hold fire on the mowing (for now!).
Whilst we wait for the lawn to dry out, there are still many jobs that can be started - the warmer weather has meant that we have been able to turn off our greenhouse heater, some of the plants in the garden are beginning to bud, so we have been protecting these from the dreaded slugs.
Spent a good couple of hours digging out our compost heap on Sunday - this has all now been bagged, ready for sieving to go into pots - we are blessed to have a lovely lady that lets us raid her Horses Manure pile when we need it, but we also have 6 Guinea Pigs and their poop and hay makes for great compost!
If we get some sunshine, then we will dry the compost out a little (makes sieving SOO much easier!) Having done the compost heap, we turned our attention to the lawn, gave it a good raking over (leaving a pile of moss out for the birds to use for nesting material) and gave a good scattering of seeds. All in all, there are definate signs that spring may well be on its way........ and I will have a drink to that!
Stay safe everyone, Kev